A codeword for a long-term psych ward or residential behavioral health facility. Typically used when in public or when speaking with people who don't know you were in a mental facility.
"Oh, sorry for replying so late, I was at a 'summer camp,'"
bad gamer that clones nexted to good players due to poor connection and skill.Disloyal, faithless, traitorous, unfaithful Person that uses other social standing to be with the IN crowd.
He don't care about me he's only camp champing on my fame.
dude this guy so shit he's playing the camp champ.
Nothing to do with the holocaust. It refers to the hotel or premises a football/soccer team is installed in for a period of time. Sometimes also used to refer to the training ground as an extension of the place itself.
Fifa is corrupt.
Because during the world cup it’s always the europeans that get the best concentration camps. We have the ones where you can hear the rival fans yelling outside at 2 am.
A 7 week sleep away camp where boys and girls become best friends. They have the best times of their lives and no one ever wants to leave.
Camp good news is the best place on earth. I’m never going home
having sex with someone you met at camp nobody knows/having sex at camp in general.
Alex got a camp kill this summer
1. A person who is known among others to be a hoe
2. The girl in Camp who is down to give head to anyone, and everyone knows it
1. Ally is such a Camp-head.
2. That girl (Guy, or questioning) with the blonde hair over there is the local Camp-head.
Camp lizards are usually younger girls who sleep with men for money in work camps
They will fuck your husbands while he’s in camp
Guy: man I hope I can find a camp lizard when I go back to work: (Camp lizards)