Source Code

The Canadian Knuckle Buster

This is when you attempt to anally fist a large, burly, unshaved woman using only maple syrup as lube while Oh Canada plays softly in the background.

Ex. I was at the Hosher Hut last night and met an amazing women. She took me back to her place only to crack open some maple syrup and try The Canadian Knuckle Buster.

by Jermey Sanchez April 26, 2020

Canadian Love Letter

A disgusting, yet gentle and highly effective manner of showing disappointment by shitting on the hood of another's car.

justice revenge Canada's #1 export poo

Stuart considered firebombing the home of his former manager, but wisely thought a good ol' Canadian Love Letter would serve justice most apropo.

by harveymushman September 22, 2014

Canadian fire sex

After two canadians split a tim hortons they sit on a fire and have sex.

Oh yeah dude they totally had canadian fire sex.

by Sirbadbrad April 18, 2020

Canadian Snow Blower

A Canadian Snow Blower is when your partner takes a sip from a 7-Eleven Slushie then proceeds to give you a blowjob.

My friend Mitch gave me a Canadian Snow Blower in the back of a 7-Eleven.

by The Sus Bus Driver September 29, 2019

canadian seal hunt

Finding a girl with an incredibly hairy pussy.

This weekend me and the boys are going to collect pelts on a great Canadian seal hunt

by Steak McCool January 18, 2018

Canadian Wind Tunnel

The act of defecating into a hairdryer, turning it on the owner, turning it on and blasting faeces all over the holder

James was so wasted last night, I found him in the bathroom covered in his own shit, holding a hair dryer. Must have been a Canadian Wind Tunnel.

by nestegg November 20, 2020

Canadian tye-dye

When you spill maple syrup and it stains your jeans, denim jacket, or canadian tuxedo.

I had a sloppy breakfast. Now i'm rocking a canadian tye-dye all day. Unbelievable!

by Ronald Inho January 10, 2009

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