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The most amazing, hilarious, loving, caring individual I have ever met. He would walk off the side of the earth for me, and never even ask why. If you can find yourself a Chad like mine, you will consider yourself the luckiest human on the planet. Also makes one of the best friends a broad could ever want.

Chad, it’s just you and me, kiddo. In our own little world.

by DamnitIsabella December 4, 2021


An excellent, loving, sweet man that any girl would be extra lucky to have. He will not only tell you how much he utterly adores you, but he will show you daily, and make you feel like an absolute princess.

Hey, Chad. It’s just you and me kiddo ♥️

by DamnitIsabella December 5, 2021


A young but handsome white male

The Chad gets all the girls buddy

by 459395 July 23, 2023


You're probably a big simp who is the worst leader of the football team! Chads are SIMP Horrible!

Hello Chad! Find more persons to simp for!

by NathanChats November 18, 2021


a typical white frat boy

"he's such a chad!"

by crush rejectee September 17, 2022


Possibly the 1% of results that do not say douchebag, Chad is actually the most genuine and caring type of person. He puts his friends and family first and does absolutely anything to make them laugh. He probably does snowboard, goes to the gym, and has better style than anyone who knows him... BUT he is the type of person that others abuse because of his niceness. They will never find another Chad, he is a one of a kind.

It’s a dream to have a man like Chad.

by Itdoesntmatter November 23, 2021



You are a chad.

I know you are having a rough day, Chad, but whatever you are facing at the moment, just know that you are doing well and I am proud of you. But never give up, you'll eventually pull through.

by Yaboinik92 January 27, 2022