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Dark 'n Stormy

The greatest concoction known to mankind. Making the island of Bermuda famous, the Dark 'n Stormy is made up of Gosling's Black Seal Bermuda Black Rum, and Barritt's Bermuda Stone Ginger Beer. Any other rum or chaser strips this drink of its title. The drink is enjoyed best floating somewhere off of Bermuda's coast.

Ay don, this hur is dee-lishous. Vat is it?
Bie! das a Dark 'n Stormy!

by Bermuda Mike October 14, 2007

dark night queen

A girl that is one brought on by beer goggles. She looks great at the bar or at night with low lights but in full light with no buzz, you wish you coulda done better. Can be synonomous with chip shots.

I thought she was super hot but she ended up being a dark night queen. She would have to be a brown bagger in the day.

by Artvandalay April 4, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dark blue skin

Dark blue skin is when your skin is so dark it looks blue.

For example: Many hamites who were born and raised in Africa/Alkebulan and abssynia have dark blue skin.

Africa was known as Alkebulan or Ethiopia and the name Africa comes from Scipio Africanus who it was named after.

Ethiopia was known as Abssynia before it was called Ethiopia and America was named after Amerigo vespucci.

by Spokentruth October 24, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

dark brown hair

You are beautiful! You have dark brown hair! Very different from normal brown hair. It shows that you are different from others in a good way! People with dark brown hair fit with many eye colours like: green (like mine), blue, hazel and brown! You're probably some savage person too!

Oh look! She has dark brown hair...I wish I had that hair too

by .+*Ally*+. February 11, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

zero dark thirty

Going completely silent from social networking, un-necessary relationships and distractions until the ultimate goal is attained.

Iยดm wasting too much time here. Iยดve got to focus and go Zero Dark Thirty.

by SomeoneWhoIsntYou October 23, 2013

293๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž

tall dark and handsome

1. An extremely attractive man who happens to be tall, dark-haired, and...well, hot.

2. A phrase that women use when describing a sexy man they may not know.

3. A hot stranger


Girl #2: Seth who??

Girl #1: Seth MacFarlane! He's tall dark and handsome!

by osharemind December 30, 2011

258๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dark Templar Rush

A rush strategy employed by a few starcraft 2 players. In a 2v2 match, one teammate creates a small army early on in order to confuse and prevent the enemy from successfully attacking early on. The other player uses the protoss, teching as fast as humanly possible to Dark templars and warp prisms. Using a warp prism you drop 3+ dark templars behind the enemy base, ussually causing the enemy to rage quit.

Works best when the non-protoss player uses marines or zerglings to gaurd their teammates base.

falcon337 sent a small group of zerglings to attack the protoss player in an early rush...

however koalla99 fended off the attack!

the enemy then teched air in a hope of countering the melee...

but just as he got his first air unit Thepastryviking hit Falcon337 with a dark templar rush!

falcon 337 had no observers and thus, rage quit!


by koalla99 August 9, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž