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Fall Fanatic

Fall Fanatic is when someone LOVES fall. Usually the name of the person who is obsessed with fall are Hannah’s or Brees (usually just this spelling of Bree) just LOVE it. They love the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes at Starbucks and the scents of fall candles and the outside. Normally they will have there rooms decked with fall decorations. They also really like getting dressed up for Halloween and going trick-or-treating with their friends. They love fall outfits and looking through Pinterest for cute decorations and outfits. They love watching fall sports like Volleyball and Football.

You’re such a fall fanatic.

I’m a fall fanatic.

by Roro32H September 20, 2020

lava fall

A nasty form of diarrhea where the fecal matter it is just liquid, and resembles the lava from a volcano

That Mexican restaurant gave me the lava falls last night.

by Booty pleasure March 16, 2016


Fall/Autumn is “Give a girl your hoodieseason!

Give a girl your hoodie” day is only in the Fall/Autumn! Hurry!

by FunnyThings92 October 15, 2019

Butterfly Falls

a vagina with a spread pussy and cum leaking out of it

a beautiful waterfall of pearly white coming from Butterfly Caves.

After we had sex, she spread her pussy open with her fingers and showed me her Butterfly Falls.

by Rod X February 14, 2014

fall in void irl

a word that can get you muted on a server called Hypixel

The word was created by Agonnis

i hope u fall in void irl

by fall in void irl December 31, 2022

my intestines are falling out

their intestines are falling out

Joe: my intestines are falling out my anus
Bobo: does it look like i care

by truthtellingguy January 23, 2023

Stand Or Fall

Crying parents tell their children
If you survive don't do as we did
A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to
Her daughter says she'll be dead with you
While foreign affairs are screwing us rotten
Line morale has hit rock bottom
Dying embers stand forgotten
Talks of peace were being trodden

Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

Is this the value of our existence
Should we proclaim with such persistence
Our destiny relies on conscience
Red or blue what's the difference

Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

An empty face reflects extinction
Ugly scars divide the nation
Desecrate the population
There will be no exaltation

Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre

Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre

by Death Menace February 18, 2023