Something smart asses where on there fat heads and 99% of the time people who wear glasses name starts with a, c, m or k
That nerd is wearing glasses
To nuke a location or area so overwhelmingly that it is not only destroyed, but its entire surface is melted into glass.
When the first nuclear bomb, Trinity, was tested in the New Mexico desert, the explosion was so hot that some of the sand near the epicenter was fused into a glassy material later called Trinitite. Modern nuclear weapons can be hundreds of times more powerful, and with so many in existence you could glass a large area indeed.
While most things won’t fuse into glass (pretty much just sand), the idea is a powerful image of total destruction.
The bombers glassed the Killer Cyborg Replication Facility, to ensure that nothing could be recovered.
The Ohio State fans wanted to glass Ann Arbor.
that one thing all good guys in movies have to kick before their 'FBI OPEN UP' scenes
Kenny: alright be real quiet they're right being this wall they don't know we're here so if we jus-
Me: *kicks glass*
Kenny: you lil shit
An extra pair of eyes for the visually impaired.
"Hey, that kid has glasses on"
"Yeah, call him four eyes"
"Isn't that mean?"
"Nope, he's a freak."
Technically A forcefield in a fight
Fighter 1 : i cant hit a kid with glasses
Glasses kid : not my problem (does some math)
things that let you see things without the blurry that stereotypically makes you look either a nerd or smarter because thats what society thinks (but mostly the nerd one)
bully: ha! you look so nerdy with those glasses
james: fuck off