Source Code

word to your mother

Word to your mother means you are a real life gangster from the hood. At least, that's what it means if you're the type of gangster who styles his hair like Morrissey and wears M.C. Hammer style parachute pants.

Word to your mother,
Word to your brother,
Word to the fishes in the deep blue sea,
Word to you and me.

by MC 900 Foot Oral Roberts May 13, 2006

60๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Mother Fucker

Young 18 year old male suffering from chronic B.o. and nits. Who enjoys dipping his wick in pensioners

A.K.A Gary yates
Of leam spa
Pensioner A.K.A - Darrelle Bannister

Squirting ones BollockYogurt in A Pensioner (O.A.P.)

by Anton Marks November 2, 2004

31๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mother's Day Masacre

when you are fucking a girl and right before you nut you pull out a picture of her mom and nut on it

I pulled the Mother's Day Masacre on Jenny yesterday!

by Wood November 29, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

mother what what

like whats the have? the common retard uses this. only this slaughter of the english language is a bastardization of a popular black phrase refered to as mother fucker. or to fuck ones mother. which by the way is incest. only "mother what what" is used commonly by retarded six year old boys mimicking "shaft" only in fear of getting slapped by their over weight drunk fathers they replace the profane word fuck with the words commonly used by half deaf people. those words being "what what". only the deaf have the right to say "what what" because lets face it they can't fuckin here you. also "mother what what" is used by child molesters and fags like elton john. i don't know if elton john has ever used the words "mother what what" but i'm going to assume he has...because he's a fag.

some kid: hey frankie wanna go play transformers and when we're done play i'll show you mine and you show me yours

some other kid: sounds like a sweet deal. lets go brotha.

some kid: lets do this MOTHER WHAT WHAT

me: OH MY GOD you little faggot. why don't u lay down on the autobahn. and die.

by guess April 18, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mother fern

Mother fucking pothead
Mother fuck(er)
Mother pothead

Teacher: Today we will have a pop quiz.



Friend 1: That mother fern has nothing to do but snort coke.

Friend 2: Yeah, what a mother fern


Brother: What a mother fern.

Sister: Why is she a mother fern?

Brother: Because all she does is do weed. What a mother fucking pothead (mother fern).

by AZN-.-RiceGirl403 March 5, 2009

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy mother of god

When you witness a naked Vietnamese man in a shower with his niece biting off his pubic hairs.

Holy mother of god, I think those Tung Kee nips stole my daughter!

by ekoshyun June 30, 2003

110๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

mother grey goose

the one motherly girl amongst the group who can still take care of friends (hold hair while friend throws up, walk friend to the restroom to piss, make drinks, carry/walk friend, etc.) while being drunk herself and not being bothered by it at all.

Girl: I really hope I don't get drunk and stupid at that party tonight.

Boy: Don't worry Diana is gonna be there. She usually enjoys playing the role of Mother Grey Goose when we're out at parties.

by the original MGG July 19, 2009

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