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rainbow dash and applejack

very epic lesbian power couple from my little pony

rainbow dash and applejack are my lesbian idols

by blossoming cherries October 26, 2020

8 bit rainbow

This is a stage of being high. When you pass your hand slowly in front of your face in a rainbow shaped arc, you should see your hand looking rough around the edges. When you are completely chopped, the roughness will break up your hand into an image skipping across the background. To your mind, it will look like a rainbow rendered in 8 bit detail. Bonus stage! If your hand is made out of stripes of different colors, you are doing something very well.

Extra credit: Watch the video of the double rainbow guy freaking out.

Coloradoian: "Hey man, hit this."
Washingtonite: "Duuuude hang on, I can see the 8 bit rainbow."
Coloradoian: "Damn son, you be flyin'!"

by treehugg3r May 13, 2013

rainbow 6 siege

A very broken but fun multiplayer game.

person 1: theres a person near you MAKEOUTHILL_1-7.
person 2: otay.
person 2 shoots the guy in the head but it didnt coun
person 2: QUOI!
person 2 dies
person 1 & 2: rainbow 6 siege is broken

by Tiddie tickler July 30, 2019

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Rainbow Quartz 2.0

Gay Mary Poppins.

Bill: Yo, have you seen Rainbow Quartz 2.0.
Mike: Nah homie, miss me with that gay shit.

by peepee_poopoo69420 December 18, 2019

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land beyond the rainbows

1.A magical place where anything can happen and nothing can go wrong
2.Place you go when you get high
3.A place with magical rainbows and purple gitraffes
and hearts and stripes and many colors

omgz lets go to the land beyond the rainbows

by liz(toxic) August 21, 2007

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Double Rainbow Moment

when a friend gets tripped out by something and gets all emotional about it. generally in the sky.

Person 1: OMG look at those clouds theyre right over my house, and they soo big and black!:S

Person 2: Alright, i can see your having a double rainbow moment right about now

by xxhybridzxx August 18, 2010

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Bleach your Rainbow

not wanting to depress someone when they are happy or thinking that they are right about something

Im soooo in love with Susie Salmon, she is Perfect"....
"Well I hate to bleach your rainbow but Susie Salmon has Herpes!!!!"

by cuntslap September 25, 2009

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