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gluten free-tard

Any asshole that cruises restaurants spreading the fear of wheat into others while angering the entire staff and probably half of the customers. They do this while asking 30 questions and proudly sending back dishes that they fear contains an ingredient that almost nobody is allergic too until after they start the diet.

"excuse me sir, has this plate touched wheat ever?" "Are you allergic to wheat or are you a Gluten free-tard?"

by Annoyed Server April 12, 2012

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techno tard

someone who afraid/ignorant of electrical devices
e.g. phones, power tools ect.

haha that moron just stuck a fork in the wall socket what a techno tard

by r_u retarded April 16, 2009

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A "straight" person who is Bi-curious, but who is afraid, and/or has no clue how to go about having a same sex experience. (Also bi-tarded) Usually this person has an unusual amount of gay, and lesbian friends and is often the only "straight" person in a group.

My friend Tiffany is so beautiful. I think about kissing her all the time. But I've never kissed a girl before and I'm nervous. I'm afraid to do anything about these feelings so I don't do anything. I am such a bi-tard.

by _Nic_ December 16, 2007

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What one is called after failing miserably at free running

Ha he just tried to do a double back flip off a park bench and failed. What a Free-Tard.

by BigNasty69 December 10, 2012

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tard jar

One who enjoys a nice salted rim and is a tard.. aka Stacy

Man I can believe that tard jar Stacy likes those salted rims..

by ArmChairEmperor March 18, 2004

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A person who is incapable of playing the Ninetendo Wii.

While playing Wii Sports, Bob missed the baseball. Bob is a Wii-Tard

by Jacob Cobb November 22, 2007

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A physically handicapped inividual.

I wasn't able to repay my debts, so I'll be a go-tard for the next few months.

by Mel October 11, 2003

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