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Why not?

Why do you care?

by CarlWheezerBro April 11, 2023


Why are you searching "Why" rn get a life

(telling you to get a life and is also an explanation)

Why are you doing this?

by takky bakky May 2, 2022


The word teachers love

Teacher: why does this happen Pupil: IDK BECAUSE LOGIC???

by DJ Double Obbsession May 10, 2019


a word that can go on forever, no literally. Im serious.

friend: the sky is blue
Me: why?
Friend:because it is.

Me: why?
Friend: I don't know.
Me: why?
Friend: SHUT THE FU-
Me: w h y?

by ifyoureadthisurreallynoob August 14, 2022


A question your kid will ask to annoy you when you can't buy them their favourite ice cream.

Kid:Mom! I want some ice cream!
Mom: Tough, you're not getting today
Kid: Why?

Mom: I don't have enough money
Kid: Why?
Mom: Because I said so!

by Rotten Turkey August 10, 2021


Why is something to use for questions like "Why do i exist" or "why dont i just end it all"

Boy: Hey mom "why" do i exist
Mom: well the real question is "why" did i choose to have you

by YourPsyuedonym October 25, 2022


when someone/ something does something dumb

becca: throws your pencil
you: why?

by your mom’s ex February 27, 2020