The law of generation domination means that anybody who f*cked your mother automatically has the upper hand on you.
If you both f*cked each others mothers, the one who will have sex with the mother’s mother has the upper hand, hence law of generation domination.
Bully: Give me you lunch money or I’ll punch you.
Me: No, you give me your money, I f*cked you mother.
Bully: *starts blushing and feeling pathetic* Here you go. Go to hell, Law of generation domination!
Generation Z’s who refuse to get jobs, pay rent, chores etc, etc… hopelessly addicted to the internet, cat videos and anime porn.
Her parents loved her.. but she never moved out. Another Crib Generation casualty.
Refers to da friendly wave, nod,. smile, etc. dat you courteously preform in response to a passing motorist/pedestrian who honks or calls hello to you, but you are unable to identify said greeter because the person has already moved too far away by the time you "get turned around" to see who it was.
A sportsman friend of mine experienced a classic case of "generic greeting" whenever he visited my area --- "The only thing I can figure is that I must have a vehicle that looks a lot like a local resident's, because everyone waves eagerly to me when I drive through town, and yet I don't really know anyone here. But heck, that's perfectly okay with me --- I dunno why they wave, but I just always wave back!"
all people who were born in the mid to late eighties, and grew up in the nineties. during this generation the Clinton administration was dealing with the impeachment sex-scandal. President Clinton stated that oral sex was not "really sex" this resulted in young americans becoming more comfortable with the idea of sex, and sexual activity. The Sex Generation's more liberal approach to sexual activity resulted in the once conservative culture of the united state becoming more open-minded.
I was born in nineteen-eighty-five, I'm part of The Sex-Generation.
All people born and raised in the President Museveni Era, i.e. from 1986 up to date.
All People who were below age 16 when President Museveni came to power.
The Sevoration generation does not understand exactly how bad a civil war is... That's why they are always provoking the government.
The annual high school graduation class.
The 2019 Cohort Generation SAT takers for the U.S. average results were equivalent to a report card grade of an “F.”
A collective term for anyone affected, even peripherally, by the fallout of the Coronavirus outbreak, to actually have the courage to stop the toxic, vicious cycle that they have been in, in order to pursue their personal mission statement.
-'Ere Barry, has Sid had a nervous breakdown or sommat? Looks like he's going through a mid-life...
-Nahhh, Gordon you thick twat.
He's only part of the Handbrake Generation, decided to leave Sharon and open up a Gluten-Free Bakery.
-Takes all sorts, I suppose...