When a woman is on her period. Sarah girl means vagina, sick as in bleeding (period).
It's that time of month that Sarah Girl Is Sick again.
When their is this one person who still has not gotten over the movie frozen.They are sick in the head
Omg she is so froze sick that she made a cover on let it go.or .Wow Game theorists is so frozen sick that he has made 3 theory's on film theory 🙅🏽
When you have the super flu and your entire body is ill from sickness, however, you keep soldiering on because you still have class even when you're sick.
Hey, dude, you must be a soldier, because you look like you have the five-star sickness.
Your piece of shit car that you call a sick whip, when in all reality, it's a hoopty.
Person 1: Dayum look at my sick whip!
Person 2: I hope you're referring to the Ferrari or the Lamborghini parked next to that crappy Batmobile that I REALLY hope you aren't referring to..
Person 1: Damn straight, and that "piece o' shite Batmobile" is my sick whip bro!
The farts that go to a sick person's mouth.
I just gave "person with disease" some sick farts and they said, " uhhhhh, I don't feel good." *dies*
a pillow you specifically only use when you’re sick (a comfort pillow)
daughter : mom i’m sick can you get me my “sick pillow”
mom: here’s your “sick pillow” dear
When you dial a phone number into your phone and the beeps make a sick beat.
"I called the pizza place and I dropped a sick dial"