Source Code

US Customary Units

An utterly unusable "system" of random measuring references designed by Grok Einstein in the neolithic period (10,000 years BC). Adapted by Egyptians and "refined" in 3rd century Rome by people who bathe in urine, drink wine from lead goblets and think it's ok to have sex with 10 year old boys. Eventually abandoned by every other nation on the planet earth in favor of a rational, logical, interrelated and vastly easier measuring system called "the metric system" with the only exception being the United States of America who wistfully wait for the rest of the world to see the error of their ways and re-embrace a kings cock and 3 grains of barley as a glorious and Godly base for units of measure.

"We wouldn't have crashed a 200 million dollar Mars probe into the surface of the plant if we would've stuck to using pure, divinely inspired US Customary Units"

by MortyFoonbang June 30, 2020

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united states of whatever

awesome song.

yeah, i was walking down the street and this guys like "hey you can't do that!"..."Yea...WHATEVER!"

by DEE June 3, 2003

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fucking fuck a tabs

she was a g-unit

by Anonymous October 8, 2003

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burn unit

The G-Units biggest rivals.

50 Marcs: "Look out Young Burn, the G-Unit is behind you"
Young Burn: "Ill sort it B-B-B-B-B-B-BURN UNIT"
50 Marcs: "Close call"

by Jack Brinkworth July 17, 2005

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the united states of america

A federation of heavily tied states that was invented by a group of people known as "the founding fathers" for the purpose of evading taxes with the goal of "Manifest destiny". Similar to the nazis "Final solution" which referred to the state-sponsored genocide of the jewish people and was seen as the answer to the "Jewish question" manifest destiny was seen as inevitable and necessary and included the unsubstantiated and dangerous belief of inherent superiority of white Americans over the native Americans and eventually in the end, the native Hawaiians. In more modern and recent history the united states of America broke its promise to secure freedom of speech in an attempt to prevent workers from having more power and say in how the economy should be ran along with placing weapons of mass destruction in eastern europe starting a cold war and eventually getting into other wars from the famous Vietnam war to proxy wars like that in afghanistan. said proxy wars are responsible for many problems today such as the brutal taliban. a clan of terrorists which descended from a terror group funded by the united states. (for the sake of owning the commies of course.)

Oh no. The united states of America are escalating tensions again. we might lose even more lives now!

by lolcatz_420iguess January 26, 2022

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Chem- Unit

a group of white ass kids in 6th period Chemistry at Plano East.. teacher Mrs. Sternizke (bia bia) yeah anyways.. they are the whitest baclk people you will know.. MY SALSA

Beqwisha, Shannacris, Laambizzledizzlewootwoot, Nitrious J.I.G (jiggy, Jeminem, Jurphy Lee, J Diddy) and K.C (KINKY CARL)

by shannon May 3, 2004

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pimp unit

alias for the infamous group once known as jizz unit. these mothafuckas r the craziest pimps to date. we fuck ur moms while u watch and we dont give a fuck while u cry in the corner......BITCH!

yo check this nigga... the pimp unit fucked my mom last nite

by jackpot the pimp November 25, 2003

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