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This guy is a real piece of shit. Just a total fucko.

Who invited Jason? I heard he's a real fucko.

by January 24, 2025


Jason’s are funny, dirty-minded, kind, and the type of guy you want to keep around. They can make you smile and laugh with so much as a few words. They love gaming, inside jokes, and have been through some tough times. Jason’s sometimes don't think before they say things which can insult you but they always come back and truly apologize.

Jason told me a joke that offended me but after not 3 minutes, he can back and apologized.

by Jadexo June 13, 2022


dude Jason makes cool stuff but he's been known to punch/kick his fans. Jason will often hand you a cola and say "you understand the law of reciprocity yes? i give you something and you must give me something in return" with a coy sinister smile. Jason will often speak of people as chess pieces, pawns for his big game, saying "I don't see people with lives, friends, families & pets, I see pawns, objects I can manipulate with my hands" with a cartoonishly evil grin. One time at MAGfest Jason walked upto my little sister and pulled on her hair really hard until her scalp came off.

Yin: Yeah bro, I just kicked Steve in the balls

by SpammableConquisitor July 31, 2021


Jason is the type of guy that always gets bullied by his friends and acts like he doesn’t like it, but deep down, he loves the attention he gets through it. He is also the type of guy that loves to start an unnecessary argument over anything he can. Jasons also tend to think that they have the best taste in clothing. This is very debatable.

What the junk is he wearing?
I don’t know, thats just how Jason likes it.

by supahot10 November 23, 2021


An assbutt

dude, jason is the worst

by eyyopotato March 9, 2018


fakest person you’ll ever meet 🙄.

jason is fake lol

by not allison lol September 30, 2020


JASON is the definition of gay.

Example: Jason walks into a bar and you see him and automatically think wow he is gay!

by Jas0n b0rne April 11, 2024

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