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ASHLEY is a Latina, and she is so kindness, careless and love her close friend she got right now, and she mostly be shy, quiet and smart, she very care mostly truly friend and she care more her and her friend and she very good friend and she very supportive to her people.

LET GO FIND ASHLEY TO SKIP CLASS, she smart on math!

ashely is my best friend since high school, she very nice

by joy.Unknown.1 November 7, 2023


simps of eboys, like jumping off a cliff into the ocean simp.. Will literally do anything to get the d but is also not of age yet

Stop being such and Ashley!

by your-moms-personal-dildo September 9, 2022


Ashley is a crazy woman but is extremely loyal to her closest friends, whom most likely names start with J and N. She is smart and beautiful, but can be extremely stubborn sometimes. Willing to do whats right for her friends and most likely has a secret crush on someone.

John: " Do you know an Ashley?"
Matthew: "She's one of my closest friends"
John: "Damn, you're a lucky guy"

by CzechnyLazer September 22, 2020

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Did you see her slap that guy? She's such an Ashley.

by Smart 6 foot 3 guy February 24, 2022


English name

A convicted terrorist and suspected participant in two of the six hijackings that took place on September 11, 2001.

Have you seen this woman? Her name is Ashley.

by Ashley H 705 October 13, 2022


A weird b* tch raised by Karen, Ashley ainโ€™t ๐Ÿ…ฟ๏ธ, Ashley hate on mfs success , Ashley ass mf.
Ashley be for everybody

You fucked up my cash flow.

Yous a Ashley

by Ashleyktmd January 25, 2022

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Literally my cousin <3 ash ilysm !!!

Ashley is better than

by Hachislover October 17, 2021