Saving photos of people for the sole purpose of self-pleasure.
That chicks so gonna be my new wank bank.
Jar in cupboard filled with tissues sometimes stored in garden
I buried my wank bank in the garden yesterday
When you see some real good shit irl and cant take a picture for later so you memorise it for later and put it in the wank bank
John: Ay you see that big bunda over there
Mike: Yeah can you take a pic for later
John: Nah sorry dude
Mike: Its fine ill just store the image in the wank bank
A shit server network on the game RUST
1) - Do you want to play on the Wank Bank?
2) - Nah, DG is much better.
A wank bank is when multiple men masturbate into a woman's vagina one after another
Hey my girlfriend said I could invite some friends over for a wank bank
A Namibian Rapper, born 1996 in Oshakati 111221
Name your favorite rapper?
Bigga Banks