Someone who pisses the teacher off on purpose to impress others but actually makes themself looks even more of a twat to everyone else
That kid thinks he’s mad, he is the class nit
a title for a porn, or a really shit toptoon that includes a aunt that wants to fuck her nephew and sisters wanting to fuck their brother who is the same person.
"have your read secret class?"
"Yeah, its shit."
shes acc insane with it. she has a biggie in her hand and shes the boogie to my woogie. umm yeah! she got that thang on her and yeah she b spoiling me every day1!! im on a high right now yaklkl cant brubg me down. aND YEAH the d is fireeeeeee!! bvut yah we love her ashe my adopted baby fo sho!! my lil mama bby HEY BACK OFF SHES MINE
omg shes her shes ishita from hindi class
Overly bourgeois teenagers who study art as an outlet for their tortured soul due to never having to go without. Or people that believe that still voting Liberal Democrat is a viable option.
For example "The sour middle class are so depressed because they have everything they need, self harming over their 1st world problems!"
1. Term used by liberals (who deny capitalist oppression) to attack those on their left.
2. Actual faulty discourse uttered by Marxist-Leninist to deny gendered or racial oppression
Zyzek tankie: meh feminism is reactionary nowadays
Wholefood liberal: wait that's class reductionnism
A class that nobody took seriously, caused depression, everybody cried at least once in, and one with lots of lecturing on "why we don't look like we care about the given material." We don't care. You also probably used the Minimus or Cambridge Course Latin books if you went to private school
That's almost as bad as Middle School Latin Class
A place where you will get overwork and became a prisoner For the whole 5 hour and repeat it for every Monday to friday
Dam why am I in a school class