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SVTFOE haters

bratty fatherless fucking underaged bastards that bully people who like Star Vs The Forces of Evil

SVTFOE haters are hella fucking annoying

by TakoTheMemer October 27, 2024


It's a person who hates depression

I'm a dep-hater

by Melissa Thorn September 23, 2020


A bitch ass nigga whose whole purpose is getting other people down.
Aka hating.
A hater is usually a smaller person which almost always has a gambling issue.

Man Srđan is such a hater

by Twogramsyouknome January 18, 2024


a person that hates things, ether specific things or anything.

That hater hates when I tell jokes to him.

by SmallyDefinitions January 7, 2023


A goddamn overused term used frequently by low intelligence preteen girls who don't like the idea that people like other artists than them so they use their half-witted minds to get half-witted arguments and just assume that anyone who dislikes a certain singer or genre is jealous of their success (even if said singer or actor has no talent). Frequently, these fans tell you that "if you're so good, upload a video of yourself singing or playing (instrument). The lowest end of humanity on the IQ scale who obsess over talentless singers like Justin Bieber and Ross Lynch are ones who use this term the most.

In other words, if you state a negative opinion (even in the nicest way), you're a hater.

Person 1: Not exactly my type of music, very screechy singing and I prefer (insert band or singer here).

Person 2: HATER!!! Why would you say that, (insert band or singer here) is the best of all time, you're just jealous that you can't sing. I'd like to see you do better.

by I love cheesburgers October 29, 2014



stop being a hater

by haters.com June 23, 2019


A person who hates another person or specific thing , disliking of what people do or how something is done or you can be a Jamal because Jamal is a natural born playahater

For instance: Akeilla and Jamals mother were conversating while he was quietly watching his movie he then asked for us to go somewhere and play a board game. Jamal is a hater

by Keecardi January 17, 2020