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Hot Down

When a football player spikes a hot pocket into the end zone and a bunch of orphans run in to eat the guts left on the ground

Joe: Hey Gary did you see that hot down?
Gary: Yeah man, those orphans were totally trampling all over each other.

by CPO117 July 31, 2011

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Hot Falcon

A girl of a certain class, of a certain intelligence; one who knows what a falcon wants, what a falcon needs, and won't settle for less.

She owns this room. Look at her doing the Kitty Cat Shuffle. She is SUCH a Hot Falcon.

by popmafia July 7, 2010

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Hot Topping

The perfect match for a Stud Waffle. A woman with stunning beauty and a keen intellect. She is independent and strong but doesn't mind a man taking care of her. The type of girl you just don't pass up.

See that chick over at the register... she is one Hot Topping. A girl like that doesn't stay single long.

Wow man. That Robyn girl is a seriously Hot Topping. Some Stud Waffle is really lucky.

by trogthemanchild June 11, 2009

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hot greg

basically similar to a hot carl. except when performing a hot greg, one shits on another's face and then wraps plastic wrap around it

"I really hate Travis. Tonight I'm gonna hot greg the hell out of him."

by Big2012 January 26, 2009

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When you can't decide if a girl is fine or ugly. Sometimes depends on the day. But basically said to a girl who can look good and ugly at the same time.

"Yo, G Thom, what you think about keisha man?"

"Dude, she kinda like an. . .ugly/hot, ya dig?"

"Well said."

by G Thom January 28, 2010

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bot hot

equally as sexually attractive as a sexy robot, or sex-bot

Cody: "So when we get married, can I have a girlfriend?"
Rosa: "Well that depends, is she hot?"
Cody: "Oh yeah, she's bot hot."
Rosa: "Sweet."

by Cory Anton Wilson July 1, 2009

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Facebook Hot

When someone looks good on Facebook, but looks like crap in real life.

Jim: Man, that Jen girl is hot!

John: Nahh, she's only Facebook Hot man.

by jimjammarama February 8, 2011

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