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Number forty six

The 46th president of the United States of America Joey Biden who is working alongside the very first female Vice President Kamala Harris who wants to put an end to racism and clean up some of the world’s problems.

Trump supporters: we love his policies they are so the best and we want our freedom

Biden supporters: Shut it the fuck it Donnie jackers, you just want more racism we are trying to improve the world then maybe we can see about other stuff. Number forty six wants no BS. So you Pinche Pendejos scurry along to your rodeos and get some counseling.

Trump supporters cringe on Election Day.

by Jpizzle2110 November 8, 2020

Gonna go crunch some numbers

Slang for taking a dump or piss, commonly know as a number 1 or number 2

"I'm touching cloth here (Also slang for the need to take a dump) gonna go crunch some numbers

by SCR4PPY March 11, 2018

poop number/letter

When a person calls you a poop number/letter, they are counting how much you poop. If the number is high then its basically calling you a shithead

you’re poop number/letter 6”

by tweekphobic July 31, 2021

Word 3 The numbers strike back.

The third movie in the series of movies known as Word where the Numbers kill all the words except for those with the letter E.

Word 3 The numbers strike back. is by far the best in the series.

by HANDS MAKE ME ROCK HARD April 15, 2020

a number on his back

when you dont have a target on you but everyone knows to stay clear of you

you know darell, they put a number on his back although he weak he still beat a guy with 250 bodies to his name.

by gods of corgis February 24, 2023

Maycock's number

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112 = Maycock's number

by bonkoo March 29, 2024

Maycock's number

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112

teacher: 10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112 =
student: Maycock's number
teacher: impossible

by bonkoo March 29, 2024