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resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.

Verb - to be jelly

Your Jellyness makes me happy

by Geier November 26, 2011

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love you lots and lots like jelly tots!

An exclamation of your love for any human being, especially a close friend. In fact can be used to express love for anything.

"Your my best friend! love you lots and lots like jelly tots! mwah"

by kirstieissocool December 1, 2006

135๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies

Pre-prepared and irrelevant response posh london mayor once threw in rather than answer a straight question. Skillfully ignored by the people it was aimed at as it was an irrelevant insult and only funny to the 13 year old watching on YouTube 8 years afterwards.

ABJ: "You great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies!"
Everyone else: "Oh gawd, not that again! please try and come up with something new and relevent as an insult as that wasn't even funny when we were 14..."

by Andysuth June 25, 2020

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being jealous but feeling so jealous ur filled with jelly

im so jellyful of ur big pot of gold!!

by ashitx October 20, 2009

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triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich

The most heinous sexual act. So terrible that your friends can never speak to the girl you gave it to ever again. In addition, they are not allowed to be friends with you for a month. At the end of that month you'll still think it was worth it.

Where's Jim been?
I don't know, I can't be friends with him until August since he gave Jane a triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Oh my god! That's awful.

by Joe from Cocamo June 28, 2008

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peanut butter jelly and ass hole sand which

When you put peanut butter and jelly on your shlong and anally rape a man. This term was first used in the adult swim show the boondocks.

Bob has a really juicy ass. I really wanna give him a peanut butter jelly and ass hole sand which.

by fart in my mouth baby April 6, 2015

You know what i mean jelly bean

Telling some one you care or love

Showing them you got a cute nick name can help catch their attention. Show how cute you can be

Telling some one you care or love

You know what i mean jelly bean

by Smoky_Bear July 13, 2019

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