A fist punch that, as the name might suggests, kills everything. It hasn't actually killed anything though. Originates in Transformers, where it is Lugnut's signature move. He sucks at it.
The only use the Punch of Kill Everything has is making a swimming pool
This is a nickname given to someone who is cynical, hates fun, and hates it when other people have fun. Originally derived from the stereotypical view of an angry grandmother who thinks her grandkids shouldn't be allowed to play and have fun.
Don't be such a Grandma Kill Joy, come to the party! It will be fun!
Short Version: kdm
A game played between friends, where one gives another 3 names of people they know (actors are okay, but it's more fun the other way). The one getting asked has to say which of the 3 they would marry, do, or kill. Then they would ask the other one back. The player who's "turn" it is asks the other. Marrying someone is regarded as the highest rank, since you can 'do' them several times over. ;D
Warning! Don't put yourself as one of the 3 people unless you WANT to get burned.
Nick: Hey Andrea! Up for some kdm (kill do marry)?
Andrea: Sure.
Nick: Andrew, Chris, and Jack.
Andrea: Kill Andrew, Do Jack, Marry Chris. Now me! Hannah, Grace, Annie.
Nick: Nice. Kill Annie, Do Hannah, Marry Grace. Now, my turn! Samantha, Molly, Ashley.
Andrea: That's not fair! You're not allowed to ask me about girls unless I'm gay... And I'm straight.
Nick: Awww. :( Alright.
Kill me backwards is a Hawaiian slang for "that's unfortunate" or simply just "fuck"
Some extentions include,
Kill me backwards to china
(when something is probably very bad)
Kill yourself backwards
(when you feel bad for a friend either because they are going through things or simply just because they are unfortunate)
Person: *trips over*
Person: ahg kill me backwards
Person: *gets into a tricky situation *
Person: kill me backwards to china
Person 1: I tried to kill myself yesterday...
Person 2: kill yourself backwards, do you need help?
When you just love forks so much that you would like them carved in your Face.
- Jhon, Kill me with a fork?
Person : did you know curiosity killed the cat?
Me : then tell him to stay away from my cat!
1👍 1👎
Awesome punk band from Milwaukee. Frankie, Julian, Betsy, Chase (the best and coolest people that could ever exist) Super nice people; really great to hang out with and get to know.
yeah, I'm gonna go see bathhouse kill squad later on this week!