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(v) syn. for "chill" which is slang for "relax"

Okay so here's the story(Yeah, I wrote a story.): LALA &QUANI are friends. LALA jst found out RYON been cheating on her. She and QUANI are going to the club in result but LALA'S still been edgy lately. Not meaning anything by it, QUANI makes a slick remark and LALA gets vexed.

LALA:It's a done deal. This club aint ready for us.
QUANI:Wrd. Eh, lemme wear y'heels?
LALA:It's cool, go ahead.
QUANI:... You know I'm need to rock these for RYON 1 day.
LALA:Btch! What u mean RYON?!? My ex RYON?...
QUANI:Lol, chill. I'm kidn. U be paranoid as hell, I swear.
LALA:Nah-nah what u talkn bout!!?!!
QUANI:Hun, why u getn loud? I mean... relax, it's nufn.
LALA:Whatevr, whatevr! *Snatchn sh-t every which way*
QUANI:And look at u, you serious. Yo, deadass, SUCK ICE.
LALA:Nah, you play too much.

by UHM... KIE October 20, 2007

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thomas sucks

It refers to service so when you have no service or bad service you say aww i got "bad thomas" or "my thomas sucks" It origins from a verizon ad where he had service anywhere even a jungle but when you don't have it its because thomas sucks and is betraying you

dogg non of my apps are working my thomas sucks

by ur muum December 11, 2017

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sucks to be you

An jibe that unoriginal people with no personal vocabularly like to tell people. Stupid.

Hey, <insert name>! Sucks to be you!`

by Gravyboy June 13, 2004

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suck box

a device used for cock sucking

Put your suck box on my cock.

by Ramone Sanchez Jr. March 22, 2007

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Baboon Suck

The most horrible noise that can occur when someone is getting a blowjob.

Did you see that cwb at the party last night?

Yeah she was totally giving that guy a baboon suck.

by Charles Norris IV January 4, 2010

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youtube and suck

giving the user a blowjob when you are watching a video of your favorite youtuber or just watching a live stream on youtube

Me and my girl just did youtube and suck

by BIGDADDYTYRONE November 10, 2015

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A derrogatory term for someone who is sucly but cool to be around. Can be used to describe any person or animal. Can also be use in place of suck up.

Brian is such a suck-puppy!

by HappyDays193 March 22, 2018

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