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Floor Bomb

Meaning - awesome, swank, super cool

Jimmy: I heard JGee's new track, that shit was floor bomb
Max: Dude I know, JGee raps to hot, its like a full lit cigarette
Jimmy: Ya! and his lungs a fucked up like black liquorish
Max: And the serious shit happens when he rocks the mic
Jimmy: It's almost like the shit he did with your bitch the other night

Jimmy: Emma is the opposite of floor bomb, she's unFloor Bomb
Max: Toats

by JGeeOfficial December 21, 2011

Bomb man

when you're in class and somebody's snitching on you so hard about how you're on your chrome book and your not suppose to there being a

bomb man or woman

by Fe4rless2.0 November 4, 2020

Ten Bomb

A super foxy honey.

Blake Lively is a ten bomb.

"You just see that bitch?"
"Yeah, she was at least a ten bomb."

by OG Leg July 30, 2008

Gammon Bomb

Another word for a vagina, meat maze, beef flaps etc.

I would love to play within your Gammon Bomb

by Ghandi's Child May 23, 2022

Juke Bomb

An act of social terrorism that culminates in the art of singing a song with the full intention of infecting listeners brains for the remainder of the day with a melody that won’t go away short of lobotomizing surgery.

Bob drops his Purple Rain juke bomb daily earning his moniker the uni-juke-bomber.

by whippedness, man card, lie, gi March 4, 2011


A sigh so loud it can be heard 10ft away, affecting the mood of those nearby. Commonly occurs in high-stress jobs (e.g. IT or management) from overly negative people frequently throughout the day, so much so that it starts affecting their normal breathing pattern.

*Co-worker sighs audibly several times*
Me, "Dude could you stop Psi-bombing me and just breathe already?"

by Consortium May 29, 2013

hash bombing

Now that facebook has hash tags everybody will be overusing them on facebook to try and be "funny" and "first". So many people will have a status that are just hash tags...

John is hash bombing his facebook. All his status updates are hash tagged.
#facebook #hash #hashbombing #iamcool

by Jeer Man June 17, 2013