Deadly Class is a series from 2019 based on the comics from 2014, “Deadly Class” published by Image Comics with 52 comics. The series is about a 19 year old boy named Marcus Lopez that ends up in a Murderer/Assassin school for both boys and girls. It’s actually only for ppl who have killed others, but Marcus actually hasn’t. If you wanna know more just watch the series or go to the Wikipedia page (16+)
Person 1: Dude! Have you watched Deadly Class yet?
Person 2: Isn’t that a comic?
A Popular Vaping Company Created in 2012 Providing "High End" vapor liquids to the vaping community. Since inception High Class has catered to the vaping community and those trying to quit smoking by selling affordable e-juices.
Below are some examples of how "High Class Vape" can be used in a sentence.
Used in a Sentence: "Damn Those are some High Class Clouds!"
"That is a high class vape!"
A place where you will get overwork and became a prisoner For the whole 5 hour and repeat it for every Monday to friday
Dam why am I in a school class
the graduating class of 2012...BITCH
1: what year did u graduate?
2: i m doomsday class...BITCH!
A stereotypical home improvement store customer who often drives a big truck that looks like a pile of dirty shit and takes the designated “Contractor Pro” parking spaces serious enough to leave a note explaining why your rich and entitled Tesla driving ass shouldn’t be parking in his spot. But it’s not really about the parking spot in a Class-holes small mind. He’s envious and regrets his choices made in his miserable life.
Aaron: Hey Brad... Some guy just left a note on my car criticizing my parking space choice and calling me a rich, entitled asshole.
Brad: Wtf man! He’s just jealous of the type of car you drive which he couldn’t afford. What a real Class-hole!