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Kermit (the frog)

Usually, a tall skinny, athletic person who is wealthy or pretentious.

Look at that lanky Kermit (the frog) with that fat woman.

by Contorno August 20, 2023

The bleeding frog

A sexual position where two females on there periods play leapfrog

Those two LGBTQ+ non cis genders on there period, play leap frog ,the bleeding frog

by Bloody toad June 14, 2021

gangsta frog

A frog so fresh or aggressive that it defies all allocation of natural description and moves into the anthropomorphic becoming gangsta.

Sven "so , what? You saw a frog?"
Sian "nah man that thing wasn't just a frog hey. It was a muthafuckin' gangsta frog!"

by ozpocalypse February 4, 2017

Freddy The Frog

Ribet Academy’s mascot, but also a sex icon

Did you see Freddy the Frog, I want to bust a nut.

by RibetAcademyLover March 18, 2019

Frog bed

a bed specifically used for fucking

Guy 1: Yo, you hear that Emily fucked that one black guy on the frog bed?
Guy 2: Oh word?

by what12345678 January 14, 2020

frog slap

a term used to refer to the male scrotum slapping the female clitoris during sexual intercourse. The origin of this term comes from the scrotum frog that live around lake Titicaca and have baggy skin that looks like the male testicle sack.

Last night when I was having sex with my wife doggie style, she turned around and looked me in the eye and said "I love it when you frog slap me."

by marksmale July 31, 2020

Frog Work

Surveillance term for following (tailing) a subject with at least two or more vehicles.

1. I use to do Frog Work for the feds.
2. "We leap frogged the dude all day".

by wn123 April 27, 2006