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Boner Saver

When a man hides his boner in his waistbelt to keep from everybody seeing and getting embarassed. Also feels very good. It works and feels good what could be better. Also called a b saver

That girl was so hott in class that I had to pull a boner saver to keep from everybody seeing.

by Bud Hohle October 9, 2007

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Del Boner

When you shave your pubic hairs to look like an eyebrow and you get a stiffy. As your dick gets hard, the eyebrow goes up and down.

"This girl in class got me so hard today that I couldn't hide my del boner!"

by DB Trust January 10, 2008

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Brain boner

The feeling you get when you are having a lively discussion or listening to an engaging lecture and everything makes sense and it gives you a bunch of new ideas about the topic at hand. The intellectual equivalent of an erection.

DeSean: oh man, that lecture given by Dr. Kobilka about G protein-coupled receptor dynamics gave me a massive brain boner.

Derrick: uhh...right, yeah, totally dude. *pssst* Jimmy, I think we need to re-evaluate our friendship with DeSean...

Jimmy: agreed.

by Longrod Von Hugedong April 28, 2016

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Phone boner

When you put your phone in your pocket and it causes a bulge to appear.

Dude : What's that bulge?
Dude 2 : Phone bonerrr!

by sahgdjsd February 26, 2011

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Boner Boxers

Boxers that hide a minor to a massive boner, Typically boxer-briefs, Used when you know hot girls will be around

Person A: Damn That lady looks swell
Person B: I know! good thing I got my Boner Boxers on

by Bonerboxerman July 20, 2010

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lady boner

when a girl gets turned on by something

that big hoss gave me a lady boner (brooke burke)

by brooke burke10 December 28, 2018

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Piss Boner

When your dick gets hard because it's inflated with piss.

Mike : "Oh my God, Jeremy has boner! Is he really turned on by that ugly bitch?!"
John : "Nah, it can't be - he probably just has a piss boner."

by Hi Raoul September 29, 2014

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