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It girl

A girl you just hit and run, this are the high class gold diggers who thinks males owe them something.

Can't cuff an It girl, playa

by Chrofit August 6, 2022

It girl

Riverdale’s famous Cheryl Blossom. With quotes like these.

It girls Have roast or sas back but every one envy’s “Hobo. Bride of hobo. Welcome to Thistlehouse. Mother’s in the conservatory. Follow me”

“Is being the gay best friend still a thing?”

by El1te_ADRI January 5, 2021

Beverly Girl

A horse girl minus the horses

Did you see that Beverly Girl going to five below with her friends?

by TheBevBoiz February 11, 2019

Girl fetish

A fetish in which you are sexually attracted to other women.

I heard Tiffany has a girl fetish. Good for her!

by Schmelp November 4, 2021

east girl

The nicest people I'm currently surrounded by.

Look! It's an east girl! She's so amaz.

by The coconut on the tree fell February 28, 2014

Chardy girl

Chardy Girl or Chardy Chick. Aussie term. Tries to be something she’s not.

Hey that Chardy girl is really hot and will be a cheap date!

by MJ00000 May 29, 2023