to stick your hand up ones anus, and flip them inside out by their eyeballs.
joe Man-Whopped zak, and i was left to clean up the mess while they carted joe off to the state penn.
A secret code word used by cuckolds to recruit other men to fuck their wives.
Hillary and I were just thinking, orange man bad, you know? Wink wink.
Orange man was the previous salty president of the great Nation of the united states and maybe even caused a massive mob. What can I say? Someone who looks like carrots is just another disaster waiting to happen.
Oh and just another Meme GenZ will make.
Person: "hey dude look at this meme."
Trump other known as captain creamsicle is the orangest man you will prob ever see
how is orange man a president?
poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopy maaaaaaaaan tvvvvvvvvvv is so poopt =y tv poopy man tv
Charles Alderton is the mam who made Dr pepper, our favorite drink that I think is better than coke. Charles Alderton created Dr pepper in 1885
The man who made Dr pepper is a cool dude because he made Dr pepper