The equivelent of trick photography except using computer software called Photoshop.
The term is usually only spoken by a mac user (definition 4) who thinks that Photoshop is the only image editing software in existance.
That's not real, it's a Photoshop trick
The act of cumming three times in one day.
I was so lonely today I pulled a Devils Hat-trick.
The act of cumming three times in one day.
I was so lonely today I pulled a Devils Hat-trick.
Nothing to do with PEDOPHILIA as it is a negative event that occurs where you wish the positive event occurred instead.
It complicates your LIFE when this occurs.
Put into a model form by using RANDOMIZATION you choose from the two drawn weather it is the FRONT or the BACK or any other parse opposite for whatever you have on your mind that are opposites
Any song you listen to on the album by PAUL SIMON called ONE TRICK PONY.
You begin to RIDE THE TRICK PONY when there is no TOILET PAPER In that LAVATORY you just used.
You PARSE to RIDE THE TRICK PONY from the front:back TOILET PAPER:NO TOILET PAPER as your ASSHOLE is back in the saddle again with SHIT TO BOOT.
Using the RANDOMIZATION event attach to it the opposite and parse it through those personal LIFE EVENTS of yours in using the power of contextual meaning and personal experience to RIDE TH E TRICK PONY.
When you listen to any song on ONE TRICK PONY you RIDE THE TRICK PONY on whatever reminders come to your mind while you
Blocking donations from ebegging bums
Sam and Jose got their donations blocked when Operation hat trick fuzzy button was engaged.
A large unfortunate looking middle aged woman who takes random videos of young attractive people having a good time so they can place the video on their pathetic social media to then trash the people in the video so
that they feel better about themselves and their unfortunate existence.
Is that woman pulling a bitch trick on us?