Ace the guy that use to be cool with everyone, until he started scamming everyone. Telling people to buy this and that. A disgraceful baster. After getting called out, goes running to diffrent community's
Bobby do you remember that kid that use to tell me Donate money for "his family"
Bobby: That Ace
Ace is a really cute boy who'd you never want to let go of. Losing him would be a big mistake, probably the biggest in your life. He always knows how to make you blush and smile. I'm sure most people would wanna cuddle and hug him forever, I know I would. He is also a very trustworthy person that deserves lots of kisses and tummy rubs. Also, most of all don't forget he is the cutest of cuties.
"I love you Ace"
•Most of the people who has an Ace name are loyal, faithful.
•Unexplainably amazing person
•Ace also used to people who always to become selfless in any aspects
ace is a pretty person, kind of emo … kellin quinn lover and their definitely queer!
“wow i think ACE is super cool”
“wow me too”
The best kind of person to you, you love them dearly, they make you happy and care for you, the most person you could meet,as the highest card in a deck of cards, your ace is the highest person in your life
I love my ace, you’re so good to me you’re my ace, oh there’s my ace!.