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thumb buddy

A texting friend on social media accessed from a smartphone, since you type mostly with our thumb in order to communicate.

Has my thumb buddy read my text yet?

by Storybored December 29, 2016

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buttermilk buddies

The third level of friendship between two friends; At this level they can eat Jack in the Box buttermilk sausage sandwiches with eachother (without the need of the presence of people like Nathan or Laura, allthough they are dearly missed).
level 1: becoming friends; usually through other friends
level 2: when one friend is able to sit shotty during the absence of the other's boo
level 3: (see above)

CAITLIN: Ponnor! we've never had lunch together, just the 2 of us
CONNOR: Let's eat buttermilk sausage sandwiches! And it's CONNOR, btw!
CAITLIN: This is a new step on the ladder of our friendship
CONNOR: yes. me and you are now buttermilk buddies...it's the third level of our friendship haha

by Caitlin Perry January 5, 2007

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Dick Buddies

It's the women's version of "broad" for men. Also, known as a "male broad".

Hey Jenny, what were the names of those two dick buddies we met the other day? Was is Pat and Lenny?

by C. Leonard June 24, 2011

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drop buddies

buddy drop - v physical act of defacation - to take a crap-
to empty the bowels

Derwin has gone to drop buddies off at the pool.
Time to make a buddy drop.

by tarthur May 17, 2007

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ok buddy

means you want to have oral sex with Imran


imran: ...
joe: ok buddy

by knikknakker September 6, 2021

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Snuggle Buddy

Step 1. You get someone to be your snuggle buddy, next thing you know you're crushing some guts.

OHHH hey becky, I'll be your snuggle buddy (makes appoint next morning at abortion clinic)

by heizenberg March 30, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

buddy call

Similar to a booty call except that when you arrive for your booty, you discover the person only had intentions of cuddling. Like a cuddle call, except the callee doesn't know they're not going to get any until they get there. A false alarm, if you will.

Tim was so psyched when Jenny booty-called him, but when he got there, he had major blueballs since it turned out to be just a buddy call.

by CapnWeasel December 5, 2008

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