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Ginger Butter

The ejaculatory substance secreted by a Male or Female with red hair and freckles AKA "Gingers"

I got his Ginger Butter all over my face, and I think there was a freckle in it!!!

by Kat143 August 17, 2010

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Peanut Buttering

The act of using Peanut Butter on your penis when you have a peanut allergy to enhance sexual performance. The allergic reaction increases rigidity, girth and length of one's member. Using creamy peanut butter can result in a positive side effect of increased lubrication during sexual interactions.

Remember, Choosy Moms Choose Jiffy Dick.

Not wanting to miss-out on a hookup with the cure co-worker from HR, John engaged in some Peanut Buttering to make sure he could perform.

by dnahly March 8, 2018

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Butter The Runway

When you/the pilots smoothly lands on the runway in a fixed wing aircraft



Pilot Monitoring: Nice, you just perfectly Buttered the Runway

(Because Urban Dictionary doesn't like Tenses, Butter the Runway )

by Cathay Paciic 777X May 23, 2020

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dark butter

Brown butter, we dont know why its dark.

Oscar ate his toast with dark butter.

by Moxy69 January 16, 2016

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butter feelings

n- warm, delicious feelings that cause you to devour the nearest fried twinkie or anything edible that contains a clusterfuck of butter.

That Nicole Kendal chick must have a lot of butter feelings.

by thewhisperingeye<3 January 10, 2010

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Pumpkin butter

A hot, orange, mushy, and formless bowel movement.

After a hard and violent sneeze, Tim realized that his underwear were now filled with his own pumpkin butter.

by Sean1331 March 13, 2019

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Butter Landing

A butter landing is a type of landing where you have to land smoothly, at less than -100 FPM.

Wow, that's a butter landing.

by J@yden January 23, 2023

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