a leprachaun from Ireland who travels by rainbow with a pot of gold. He is half Russian, half Irish, and half Ukrainian. At first he liked unsalted pretzels, and now he likes salted ones. He likes freshwater fishing and always says "My friend said..." but never names them, as they may not exist.
He often travels to Cleveland, Ohio, and that is why he missed his astronomy research.
A: I'm going to Cleveland!
B: You must be Daniel Bratslavsky!
C: You went to Ireland? You must be Daniel Bratslavsky!
fatass black fatass fatass fatass fatass big fatass who gets angry when you take his Cheetos. and tells Mrs. Boss. and Davison. he also crys when you take his food. but also he sucks ball sacks at snapping
shayian: is that Daniel m?
the squad: eww nigga that black astronaut aint nobody like him hes fat as fuck niggaaaaa
A man, typically from the thoroughbred family, with an absolutely monstrous cock. Prefers Jack Daniels, hence the last name, and isn't afraid to go 10-0 on the pong table. A man that the women run to and the boys want to be.
All the girls love Kermit Daniels. Probably because he just destroyed Eric on the pong table.
A Proper lad That IS probably the best in da hole entire world
Daniel and Abigail ..they became good friends, parted ways, and reconnected
The perfect match! All there friends ship them but they all hide their true feelings, while they make awkward eye contact and conversations their love stands true.
Abigail is stubborn but Daniel is the only person that can cool her down
They love each other dearly..
Danieland abigail are meant to be, their love is so strong, being in their presence makes you jealous because you wish that you have their love. They may argue, but no matter what they are always gonna love each other no matter what, he’s gonna always love her with all his heart and she’s gonna love him.
A unique love, so rare there are no words written to define it. If you are lucky enough to feel a love so strong and so gloriously all consuming, its a Daniel and Abigail..
Daniel and Abigail are the most perfect and good looking couple out there! Amina is the prettiest and kindest while Daniel is the most handsome boy. Everyone wishes they were a part of their relationship!
They are both naughty when it come to Sex.... Daniel will always satisfy her Sam also to Abigail
Abigail loves kissing Daniel alot ..
Friendship turns to Marriage wow great couple
Aka, they’re all jealous because Daniel and Abigail are so perfect for each other!
..Yh they love each other....they are the best couples
A faultfinding pessimist who is always judging and not afraid to speak his mind and tell you that you suck.
Everything is a mess and will always be a mess - Daniel the Cynic