Riley has the most dominance in the world
Riley the bong ripper has the most dominance in the world
Dominic seems like the kinda guy who probably has bowl cut, Long eyelashes. Dominic probably has a crush on somone but is far too afraid to say it. Dominic is not afraid to ditch a double date and go the KEG to find someone thats not even there and the place he ran might not even be the KEG it might be a restaurant he thought was the keg! Thats all about Dominic
Dominic Howlett is weirdly cool.
Dominic is the best guy you will ever meet. He is a leader, kind and the sexyest guy around. He is a huge ladys man or at least he would be if he wasn't a great boyfriend to whoever is lucky enough to be with him rn. He is also a great friend to have he will always try and make everyone have fun and never force anyone to do anything. He would also stick up for his friends no matter what. So if your friends with him you're very lucky
Hay do you know Dominic solano? Yeah he is great.
It is any designated individual in that CLASS that are pointed to.
It is a bizarre human phenomena.
Used in higher court cases.
Again ANAL ALAN mentioned the problem with PALO ALTO SECURITY TRAUMA to someone at STACKS and the other day a DOMINANT PEDOPHILE ECLIPSE happened where the SANDWICH.PEDOPHILE.DARK PUSSY as the SANDWICH BUG was burgularized in PALO ALTO.
When the little boy , little girl , or baby are picked up as can be with instincts and social learning be realized they are in a DOMINANT PEDOPHILE ECLIPSE when a PEDOPHILE is near by.
When you let your nails grow to exactly 6 inches, make love with a female, with high velocity and force, until your nails fall off naturally
Dude, did you doggy her? No man, last night was a Nail Domination night
dom was my best friend. to me he will always be my best friend. he’s such an amazing, charming person. if you get him on your side don’t ever mess that up. it’ll be the worst mistake that you live to regret. i miss my best friend. he deserves all the happiness and good this world has to offer and i wish i could’ve given him that. he’s so handsome and kind, i wish i was able to have my best friend back. he loves the gym and lil b of course ! i hope he doesn’t throw out those drawings i made him. dom if you’re reading this just know ill always love you and always consider you my best friend. no matter what happens. even if you hate me and never want to see or talk to me again. i’m here for you. you are my best friend.
i love you, batman.
heisenberg: yo did you see dominic luna!!!
jesse: yes i saw dominic luna! i heard he’s an amazing person!
heisenberg: yeah.. that’s one cool dude!