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michael eddington

A Starfleet officer from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" who betrayed his commander and caused him to chase Eddington all around the galaxy and he could never escape. He died by getting shot...a lot.

EDDINGTON!...Michael Eddington, you betrayed your uniform!

by knowledgeman October 5, 2006

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Michael Atkinson

the current South Australian Attorney-General who has blocked attempts of Australia getting a R18+ ratting for video games and believes gamers are more dangerous than biker gangs.

search "good game Michael atkinson" on youtube

by BT182 February 24, 2010

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michael jorbum

Michael jorbum is an overrated lob merchant that never won anything without pippen or Rodman and played in the worst defensive era of the nba. He is also known as being the son of lebron James and kareem abdul jabar. If you say anything bad about him he will"take it personally" and rejoin the league for 2 seasons, averaging 18 points and nothing else. His personal dick suckers, known as jordansexuals, like to say that no one will ever be better than him, even though in a few years he won't even be top 10 in scoring. They also say 2 good ish years is better than 18 years of dominance that the two of many players better than him performed

Michael jorbum is not top 3 all time

by PessiPendu August 20, 2023

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Michael Wright

Michael Wright is one of the most amazing people you will meet. He’s so kind and is very caring. He’s dedicated and loving of what he does and puts effort into everything. He can be not smart sometimes but that’s okay. Michael is the most loyal guy you will ever meet. If he has his eyes on you they aren’t on anyone else. Michael is also fine asf If you see him in person you’ll notice this quickly. Omfgg he’s just so breathtaking and when your with him you just get nothing but positive vibes. Not only is he absolutely gorgeous he’s also very funny. He can make anyone laugh at anytime, and his smile is just so contagious. His smile could light up the whole world. Michael is just the most amazing person in the world and you’d be one of the most luckiest people alive to meet one.

Michael Wright is the love of my life❀️

by flattypatty123 September 16, 2019

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Michael Stern

bad ass magician. End of story. He has been known to rock the Magic Castle in Hollywood and snaps necks with his magical abilities. Also the creator of the "Stern Confusion" pose and is frequently spotted in it.

Random dude #1: Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?

Random dude #2: Oh shit have you seen that Michael Stern guy, fucking incredible. Like WOW HE JUST FUCKED MY MIND!!!!!!

Random dude #1: Oh ok, so that's where it is. Thanks.

by Mark Edelkin June 2, 2010

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Some lil bean on the bus who is pretty damn cool but doesn't see it which is sad. πŸ˜©πŸ‘πŸ» He should. He's also a lil bean who got stabbed because he hit a bitch's sunburn and she got pissed. Rip my nigga.

"Michael is a boy who got stabbed tf out of"

by Hililbean April 26, 2018

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Always hungry and can never stop eating.

Stop being such a hungry Michaels

by RetardedAdult69 January 12, 2019

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