When four or more men start jacking off as fast as they can in a circle with their dics facing a common centre (while standing in a circle) in which a muffin sits on the floor. They all cum on the muffin until only one man is left. He than proceeds to eat the muffin because he ejaculated last. Do advise this activity is very gay.
Last night we played Jack muffin and I lost.
When you’re eating something that seems moist enough to be easily swallowed, such as a gas station muffin, gets stuck in your throat feeling like a golf ball slowly going down.
Yo man I was driving to the job site this morning after I grabbed my coffee and I almost died from a bad case of muffin throat lol.
She is a annoying person In BadBoyHalo discord. she claims herself to be a Muffin. She has many dads and mums which supports her most of the time. She is "Kind" to the people she likes and believes everyone deserves a chance.
French:I eat Muffins for breakfast.
Loliblob:I think Little Muffin is a trap.
Small dick with incredible width that results in a huge tip of a dick that forms a cock muffin.
Hey baby do you think this should be in a bakery . referring to his cock muffin
When you are so stressed that you curl yourself into a ball and cry a little bit.
I should be studying for that test but I'm a stress muffin
code for Help... or yelled during end of bed action
Guy: How did this hole get here?
Girl: Raspberry Muffin!
When somebody is being an arsehole and they need to get a life
You're such a minge muffin Brian!!!