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russian gas mask

-(V) The act or art of placing ones balls on the bridge of anothers nose, while orienting your "taint/asshole" over your partners mouth.
Usually seen at parties and strip clubs in the Tampa Bay area, most prevelant near TIA/Drew park area.

"Dude I just Russian Gas masked this bitch over off of Buffalo Avenue" (Ain't MLK RICKY !)

by Mad_Russian November 9, 2007

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russian bear hug

When a female constricts her vagina around the males penis during intercourse with so much force he cannot pull out

Ya bro, I was fucking her and she must work her pussy out or something because she russian bear hugged me, it was wicked.

by Ayeyoitsgod February 9, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Cereal Bowl

Russian Cereal Bowl (verb): the act of eating cocaine, vodka, or a combination of the two out of a female's butt.

"How was that party last night?"
"It was pretty good, I had a Russian cereal bowl with that foreign exchange girl."

by Paso Robles March 27, 2014

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Russian Rick Roll'd

The russian version of the classic Rick Roll'd. When one tries to view an internet video, but instead is shown a video of a man singing.

Billy: "O wow a new Call of Duty trailer!!!"

"Awwww, I got Russian Rick Roll'd"

by Yoarum November 5, 2010

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russian bikini wax

when one cuts off their pubic hair for later use to be made into a faux beard for a friend, without their friend knowing.

"its sandys birthday, what are you getting her?"
"i decided to be creative, im going to give her a russian bikini wax."
"shit thats such a good idea, i was just going to give her sandals."

by fuckmelikeablackman October 18, 2009

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Russian Bidet

Wiping your ass with a clump of snow/ice

I was walking my dogs at the park and had a really wet fart I had to use a Russian Bidet

by Dangah!!!!!!!! November 2, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Sea-saw

The two participants in the act will need the following items:
A clear plastic tube, one gallon of milk, lube,

The first participant will insert one end of the clear plastic tube into their rectum. The second participant would then proceed to poor as much milk as possible into the rectum of participant one. Now, with participant two at a higher elevation they will insert the other end of the tube into their rectum. At this point the tube should be inserted into both anuses, and milk should still be in the colin of participant one. Now the participants will begin to change elevation so the delicious mix of fecal matter and milk will flow onto the open rectum of participant two. The participants may continue this as many times as desired, it is customary to share the used milk as a snack afterwards.

last night, I saw two lesbians doing a Russian Sea-saw I still dont know if i was turned on or if I was vomiting out of distaste.

by Cole McAwsomedude III December 21, 2009

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