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Trumpanitis Syndrome

A mental illness syndrome prominent in the subspecies Stupido Eructus, commonly known as Republicans, altering one's ability to comprehend basic civil concepts, often resulting in a blind following of the Stupido Erectus Primus, Donald Trump. Symptoms may be incoherent stupidity, opinion evidence over factual evidence, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic concepts, abhorrence, blatant obliviousness, gluttony, and other symptoms. The only known cures are The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and basically anything other than Fox News.

"I think I might be down with Trumpanitis Syndrome! I mean, who wants Muslim immigrants?" "Dude, you need to go and get some Washington Post. Your mind's been corrupted."

by Llama66 June 28, 2018

Passenger Syndrome

The feeling you get when you're riding in a vehicle someone else is driving, where time loses all meaning and before you know it you've arrived at your final destination.

Passenger Syndrome can also be used for when one is going through the motions and not being aware of the life events happening around them.

Honey: Candy, you've got to focus! The show's about to start! Why don't you have your tassels on yet?
Candy: Sorry Honey, I feel lost in the shuffle. One minute I'm getting on the train to the club, the next minute it's showtime.
Honey: Do you need someone to talk to?
Candy: No, I guess it's just the Passenger Syndrome doing its thing again.

by Kerfufflator September 21, 2018

Shady Syndrome

A disease that occurs in women wearing huge sunglasses, that deceives everyone into thinking she's hot....until she takes off those big sunglasses and people realize she's ugly. This type of female can usually be spotted on college campuses across the country.

Richard: "Wow, I thought that girl with the big sunglasses was smokin hot, until she took off those sunglasses. She suffers from Shady Syndrome, dammit."

Brandon: "Richard, you can't be picky. Go up and talk to her anyways. You haven't been laid in 3 years.

by Texas Tech Grad June 9, 2009

Pitic syndrome

Has A smol dick

Yo u have a smol dick bro
Bruh that's my pitic syndrome

by Pitic2013 March 2, 2021

Molly Syndrome

When you get attached to a girl and you can never get over her

Person1:I still think about her man

Person2:Bro it’s been like 2 years you still got Molly syndrome

by Discoverer of Molly syndrome November 21, 2020

Patricia Syndrome

an expression to qualify someone who has divine taste and very cool energy. A person with Patricia Syndrome is the equivalent of the love child of Charli XCX and all the female chipmunks.

- I think my kid has Patricia Syndrome.
- You're a lucky bitch! Mine is dumb. He keeps listening to Demi Lovato. I'm putting him up for adoption next weekend.

by a blonded bitch January 13, 2023

Martin Syndrome

A condition where upon seeing prepubescent teenagers an individual will develope a two inch boner in an uncontrollable fashion. The only known cure for this condition is blowing King dick to completion.

I have a case of Martin Syndrome and I need some king dick to get it to go away.

by TheZippo November 8, 2019