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The act of sending a text message without putting any thought or consideration into to what the text actually says. Usually occurs while watching TV or talking.

"Hey man what are you and Sarah texting about?"

"I have no idea, I got sucked into the TV and have totally been Auto-texting this whole time."

by RiderSlider May 5, 2010

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save text

that text you send after you call a girl cute and she dub you saying it was your friend or saying wrong person .

Boy: hey your cute as hell
Girl: Lol
Boy: Sorry that was my friend lmfao
*talking to friend*
"had to send that save text"

by Dannyblasts September 15, 2016

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double texting

Someone sending the exact same text again because they think you didn't get it.

So what happened last night?
An hour later....
So what happened last night?
Stop double texting me!

by TheKungFuCat June 11, 2017

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text tone

text tone: to have a loud tones in ones text.

jonathon: so what homework we working on tommorow?
harmony: how do i know what homework there gonna give us tommorow?
jonathon: watch your text tone!

by Fergie The God! November 10, 2008

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Text chop

To take a section of text and edit it as a method of insulting someone.

Wow Rich just done Kev with that text chop of Bush's speach about the Navy.

by Tain London June 22, 2007

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last text

Jacob Sartorious' album

A childish way of flirting on social media platforms

Jacob: You're my last text, my first love
Hoe : Shut up u gay boo

by Fuck meh Rihanna March 5, 2017

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Zoom text fucking

when you try to crack up your co worker through text while you’re both on a zoom meeting, and everyone is expected to look and actually be engaged.

Justine was zoom text fucking with me during a work meeting. She said she had to mute the mic so no one would hear her blow a hole in her bed from her fart.

by Clauris April 7, 2020