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Naval Players

Naval players are players that don't exist


by Hundehai March 24, 2022

Xbox Player

The average Xbox Player is around 7 to 21. Most play Fortnite, which many people have positive and negative views on. The average Xbox Player is normally incredibly toxic when playing online. It gets so bad that their dads smash their xbox.

1. "Hey man, I just ran into an Xbox Player down the street."
2. "Dude, those guys'll do anything to get their hands on the Series S and X."
3. "I mean, that's the same with us and PS5, but yeah, you're right."

by My pseudonym sucks. January 4, 2021

Xbox player

People with chlamydia and herpes who swears at their mom because they’re the biggest fags god mad

You’re definitely a xbox player

by Lil skies son February 28, 2020

Xbox player

A dude with a brave personality and a huge cock with all the fine and pretty girls unlike a ps4 player

Wow he plays Xbox I hope he don’t take my girl since he’s and Xbox player

by Facts and nothing else November 17, 2020

Xbox player

A dude with a brave personality and a huge cock with all the fine and pretty girls unlike a ps4 player

Wow he plays Xbox I hope he don’t take my girl since he’s and Xbox player

by Facts and nothing else November 17, 2020

Is Krissy the best Womens 7s player?

The answer people have been waiting for
Is Krissy the best Womens 7’s player in the past 1700 years?

Is Krissy the best Womens 7s player? Heard Chris stated it.
100%, internet never lies

by Mynameisntchris June 16, 2022

Clash royale x bow players

stupidmotherfuckers will deffend every fucking push with tesla and skellytons. stupidist fagg0t deck you can use. fuck hog 2.6 xbow is the new n!gga in town. fuck me, fuck you and fuck every xbow player cuz when that shit gets a lock they will just spell cycle or wait till overtime.

clash royale x bow players=fagg0ts

by ihateniggAS75678 December 19, 2023