Those blow up guys you see outside of car washes and Verizon.
I passed a car wash and saw a wacky waving inflatable flailing armed tube man.
What you sarcastically grumble when everyone in a group seems to wanna get all cozy for no apparent reason.
(Spoken while dutifully cooperating in a huge "crowd embrace" of party-goers just to be polite and agreeable, but not really understanding why everyone wants to get all cozy) "Yeah, yeah, yeah --- arms around... aren't we all huggy-cuddly-snuggly LOVEY-DOVEY today!!"
Well-endowed man attracted to mature, but attractive, deaf women.
As a one-armed drummer, he loved to pick up at the local Applebees.
Still there!!!
Guess what?
I love you more than your arms…
To make sure I should probably get them around me🥰🤗🥰🤗🥰🤗
35👍 58👎
I truly do love you…
Someday soon…
I am closing my eyes…
And I peek at my dream…
There you are…
The arms I see… ❤️
You know where I am running…
Love you❤️❤️❤️
11👍 8👎
Arms has a fat booty and be female and male
Person one: is arms a boy?
Person two: I’m not sure but that booty