Al baba, meaning the renaissance munch in Arabic, is the AIS representative Alya's hubby. but she didn't tell him a7eena a7bk. Thats a story for another day. anyways, al baba is very important for financial stability and eco-political growth bkl 9ra7ah
"AL BABAAAAAAAAAAAAA" - Alaya321 al muqami
Another of da assorted dudes (i.e., Will Power, John, Arthur Itis, Charlie Horse, Ben Gay, etc.) who frequently visit older folks.
Various "everyday" guys start hanging out with many aging folks as they get into their sixties, but when Al Seimers and Park Ensigns eventually begin dropping by, as well, it's time to resignedly admit dat you've officially "joined geezerdom".
why the hell would you search this name up???
anyways its a 601 meter tall clock with its actual clock part the size of big ben
why do we even need to have a clock this tall
guy 1: big ben is the worlds largest clock
guy 2: blud you stupid!!! its yo mama’s watch
guy 3: Abraj al-bait Mecca Royal Clock Towers Apartment Complex
guy 2: what the sigma
A goofy way of saying, “Weird Al Yankovic.” It appeared in an Al TV “interview” with Jessica Simpson.
Well, then I’m Wired Al Yonkavich.
Yazooy Al Marri is a very hot, funny and bossy ass bitchh. She’s such a badass and a very amazing role model. She stands up to her friends and she’s attractive as fuck. She will never break ur heart and will be your partner in crime. If you are Yazooy Al Marri’s friend you are so lucky to even know Yazooy Al Marri.
‘ wow she’s such a yazooy Al Marri
Only the most badass thing in the world
I am Al-yeasa