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indian breakfast

It is a breakfast in which you call your girlfriend in the morning and have a threesome with her and your wife. They both lay on top of each other and then you fuck their ass holes turn be turn until they fill a jar with their cum. Then one sucks your dick and the other licks your ass. then you shove eggs in their ass and then do bdsm on them. You spank their boobs and ass. you put a dildo in them

i had an indian breakfast with your mom

by killyourmomandspankher October 14, 2021

A whores breakfast

Some one who has a smoke and coffee for breakfast

Going to have a whores breakfast

by December 1, 2020

Hardee's Breakfast Hour

A group of senior citizens

I went to pick up Smash Ultimate today, but I found myself caught in a Hardee's Breakfast Hour.

by OmniMitch December 8, 2018


The act of covering one's naked body with bangers and mash, making your lover lick it off and then you proceed to 'bang her and mash'.

I had a Bobby Irish Breakfast last night and my bed sheets are soiled!

by Bbelle October 21, 2022

sportsmans breakfast

Early morning sex.

"Looks like Rob's had a sportsmans breakfast by the smile on his face coming into work".

by Adamphetamine July 6, 2017

Breakfast casserole

Something Lez will never bring in.

Lez will never bring in the breakfast casserole.

by The real Justine August 6, 2021

Portuguese Breakfast

The act of making a fried egg and putting it a dick / vagina and the partner licking it

Man 1- Last night i had a Portuguese Breakfast

Man 2- Excuse me, What?

by icantdecidemyusername February 11, 2024