what I call peoples with abscesses.
Person 1: do you have an abscess?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Good...you are now Breathe The
After having a cup of bone broth, the new craze with health benefits to both male and female, you may develop symptoms of bone breath.
Michael thought his boyfriend was cheating on him until he found empty containers of bone broth under his bed, thus explaining the frequency of his bone breath.
The act of breathing like you’re going into labour whilst inside a vehicle in order to fog the windows and prevent people from seeing you smoke the ganj.
Friend: I’m about to hit this shit. Me: put on the breath blinders/ breath like you’re going into labor before they see us.
Something that somebody says when somebody posts an unfunny GIF on twitter, when their face hasn't changed at all.
Person 1: posts GIF
Person 2: OMG I can't fucking breathe!
Also Person 2: :|
A description of when someone farts (colon burps)
Would you please stop farting? I am tired of smelling your colon breath. Would please tell your colon to stop burping!
When boy puts salt, mint pastils and cold vodka in his mout and then spits the water in to the girls ass hole
I can not shit anymore because my bf gave me the Fresh breath