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gotti brothers

authentic; someone who shows extreme loyalty and respect to their friends and family...who happens to be a hottie and is super smart...

yo, you is gotti brothers, boi!

by jazz york August 1, 2006

20πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

Ur brother a mother

Has risen above all of the previous β€œur ___” jokes like β€œur mom gay” and β€œur dad lesbian”. Any time this is said, Trump gets one inch closer to pressing the nuke button, and God himself falls to the floor and start weeping.

John: ur mom gay
Mike: ur da- no, don’t make me do it

John: do it faggot

Mike: ur brother a mother
*John fucking dies*

by Mikeyisameme March 22, 2018

78πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Blues Brothers Loadout

Honest to God only having a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, its night and wearing sunglasses while being at a minimum 106 miles from Chicago or anywhere else. Generally, taking a roadtrip with little or nothing to your name for survival.

I'm headed to Atlanta with a Blues Brothers Loadout.

by John Wesley February 12, 2008

Mario brothers syndrome

The act of making stupid mistakes over and over (usually at the same point) while trying to perform what should be a simple task. This most likely happens when doing things in a rushed manner.

Mario Brothers Syndrome:
Basically, in the original Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System, trying to get through certain worlds hastily causes errors on the players part. Like hitting a turtle sideways and dying instead of jumping directly on it.

by Trace Faulkner September 3, 2008

Jonas brothers

A band made up of three brothers, Kevin, Joe and Nick.
Alot of people hate them, but alot of people love them.
They write all of their own songs and are known for being christian and wearing purity rings. Their fanbase is 90% made up of 13-19 year old girls and they are one of the most well known bands going. Nick Jonas has done a side project with a band which was called 'Nick Jonas and the Administration' and himself and Joe have both performed on broadway. They do NOT lipsync and they play their own instruments. They are thought of as a band from disney channel when really they were a band for years before they signed with disney. They currently have 4 albums (as of 2010) and Nick has 2 solo albums also. They deserve more respect than they are given and most people who dislike them don't know many of their songs or anything about them.

Person #1. Did you hear the new Jonas Brothers song?

Person #2. Yeah it's really catchy i love the chorus!

by TheKooooks August 26, 2010

7πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

jonas brothers

only the best thing to happen to the world. they are extremely talented, and have changed millions of people's lives. made the cover of rolling stone two times, being the youngest band ever on there; have played at the white house three or four times; were nominated for a Grammy in 2009; performed with Stevie Wonder at the Grammy's in 2009; and have sold millions of albums. Now to me, that doesn't really seem like they suck? Right? Thought so.

The Jonas Brothers have gotten me through some of the toughest parts of my life with their inspiring lyrics and quotes. With the help from them, and the Jonas Tree House, I'll have faith, and restart foreverandever. and always believe in eternal wghooops. <33333

The Jonas Brothers have taught millions of girls to have faith, and restart. <333

by jonas tree house clubian March 1, 2010

7πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

A very talented band of brothers,
who DO write their own songs(check their cds for proof)who DO play real music.
who DO change people's lifes.
who DO make a difference.
who DO appreciate where they are today, along with all their wonderful fans.
who WILL stick around.
who WILL never be forgotten.
who DONT drink/do drugs before shows.
who DONT let fame go to their head.
who ARE very good looking.
who ARE down to earth.
who ARE one of the few bands that actually make girls faint just by walking on stage.
who ARE alot more then we see or others may think.
whoooa this definition could go on and on...

In all the best band of brothers ever:)

Year 3000....

girl 1: ohh, this song! I havent heard it for ever! I totally forgot about that band!!!

girl 2: SAME! I still remember all the Jonas Brothers songs and never will i forget, they're just to wonderful.

by mhwhatchasay January 14, 2010

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