an asian guy with a small penis who likes to be a furry and growls at his friends. smells like eighteen mice had sex on his back and shat there. everyone in the world is kenny-hang-phobic. meaning they strongly hate kenny hang.
“i heard that guy over there eats dog shit for dinner. he’s definitely a kenny hang.
When two friends overly defend each other.
Similar to bumlicking except it comes from both sides not one
‘Lewis and Mitchell are always hanging out the back of each other!’
‘Literally! They always defend each other so fast it’s like they’re secretly partners!’
When one is outside and hangs on a fence whilst squatting for a shit
Fam im busting for a shit but there's no toilets!
Dude we're on a field, just fence hang!!
A squad of true friends that will always have each other's back, the only people that you can truly trust in life.
I love you joel and grant we the guge hang
Basically, you laying there dead on the pavement with a white chalk outline of your dead carcass due to a large caliper weapon(like a .44) used to blow your brains out with one hollow tip. Leaving you lying there for everyone to see with your Helmet (slang obviously for head) Hung or Hanging in a Hung position.
Gangster #1 -"Holy Shit Blood, look at that dam cat over there chalked out in white!"
Gangster #2 "Oh shit, his helmet is def hangin! Yo, it must of been a "fo fo" for sho!" Now that's a Helmet Hang if I ever seen one!!!
A fucking shitshow where you and your gf will say "no you hang up"
Me: It's time to go
Gf: You hang up
Me: No you hang up
Gf: You should hang up
Me: No, you should hang up
Basically a loop of no u
Hanging Cow is something you say you can do to impress a naive crowd. It has no meaning other than sounding impressive.
I'm known for Hanging Cow. I've been told I Hang the meanest Cow in Montreal, but you should see what shit they do in Vancouver.