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honey pea

stands for "hundred percent"

Ted: should we go to that house warming party tonight?
Alexis: honey pea.

by mani_moee September 14, 2021

honey glazed duck

When you see females taking a selfie with duck faces and spray jizz on them from behind effectively glazing them

Tara: what's a honey glazed duck?
Jake: you are Tara... You are.

by Not Joe December 30, 2016

fluffy honey

The syrup created by catbees.

Filled with cat hair, but highly scrannable.

Holy smokes- why is that honey like that?”
“It’s fluffy honey- and it’s fresh from the catbee!”

by Handle was used by someone els July 13, 2021

Honey Kumar

A lankey Asian guy who has really bad dandruff

He’s such a Honey kumar

by ieattheovaries May 13, 2019

Honey boo boo

A word white girls use when someone starts in their friend

Pop up then honey boo boo

by Thebadderbitchhhhhhh June 8, 2019

Honey Guts

Term or name of endearment similar to sweet heart or sweet cheeks.

No sweat honey guts.
They have pet names now. He called her honey guts.

by Black Hole DaVinci February 19, 2017

honey shaft

A particularly sticky vaginal passage way

I was lucky to get my fingers back out of that honey shaft

by TheVenetianBamboo April 8, 2016