A fire track released by MARAUDA!!! Also it is a business where they have a room that you can destroy objects in. Could be for releasing anger and stress or just for fun. Aka, smash room, anger room.
Bro #1: DAMMIT, the condom broke! 🤬
Uncle: How about we take out our rage and smash some shit in a rage room!
Bro #1: Ight but my ass needs to heal first
Something people will talk about longer than a giraffe's neck.
People could keep pretending not to notice the giraffe in the room, but at some point Dewey Cox was going to bring it up and it would be unavoidable.
The thing nobody brings up but everybody notices is too tall of a tale to be true.
The giraffe in the room said that guy was 6'5", and he was persuasive enough that people almost believed him, he told them he carried himself like he was 6'5", but after a while they started to notice and suspect that he was not really 6'5". They thought he looked more remarkable on TV, but in real life, he was about as mundane looking as someone could get, almost like a toad. Someone that most people forgot about after about 5 seconds.
White hip hop trio with website- I always knew you weren't really 6'5", but I never figured you for a guy that walked around on stilts, you stupid faggot clown.
Guy on stilts- I'm not the only one pretending to be something I'm not.
Something people will be talking about for a long time if it's brought up.
Nobody but Dewey Cox wanted to bring up the giraffe in the room.
The giraffe on the Indian motorcycle became the giraffe in the room nobody wanted to bring up when it went inside the building.
Dewey Cox was the only one that wanted to bring up the giraffe in the room.
Something you dont want to talk about because you would end up talking longer than a giraffe neck about it.
Nobody wanted to bring up the giraffe in the room except for Dewey Cox.
Pink pussy hat wearers
History Remembered: Trump and the Locker Room Ladies
In an infamous Access Hollywood hot mic moment, Trump expressed his amazement and dismay with the type of women that will allow famous men to fondle them just because they're famous. This criticism did not sit well with what we'll call "the locker room ladies" who in protest chose to strap on pink ski hats intended to resemble female anatomy so as to say we'll use our female anatomy however we want thank you very much and how dare you even comment on our behavior. To show just how serious they were, they then proceeded to vote for history's most famous fondler in the 2020 election. This has been history remembered.