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agnostic christian

An agnostic christian feels there is a God, but chooses not to worship it because there is no proof of a God's existence or non existence.

"I believe there is a God, but a human cannot really know, so why worship what may not be there?"
-says the agnostic christian

by thatkidwiththename October 4, 2013

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christian rock

Not for Pansies.
Bad Christian Rock;
P.O.D., Kutless, Skillet, 12 Stones, Thousand Foot Krutch, Jeremy Camp. They're posers.
Awesome Christian Rock= Underoath, Haste the Day, Norma Jean, Relient K, Switchfoot, Blindside, Dead Poetic, Zao, and such.

Most christian artists have given christian rock a bad name, but give it a chance, losers.

by emolikewoah April 21, 2006

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lars christian

Unfaithful and treacherous person. One keyword to sum up Lars Christian: ditcher

He left you like Lars Christian

by Lars Christian September 1, 2015

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christian dentist

youthful, oily, & unaware, some uncover chested kinks. males always rain in slightly sexual atmospheres.

i just got my teeth cleaned by the christian dentist ;)

by thatturtle December 30, 2022

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Christian Jones

Real name of west coast singer Teeflii

The Real name of west coast singer Teeflii underrated Christian Jones

by heynzen February 13, 2019

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Christian Jessen

Best known his work as a GP on the tv series Embarrassing Bodies, Christian is openly gay and advertises the fact with an incredibly homo-erotic hair cut, which is said to be in the form of a man parting his buttocks.

Did you watch Embarrassing Bodies last night? Although i thoroughly enjoyed the Christian Jessen segment my favorite was watching the granny anus prolapse

by andre...i mean david king July 29, 2011

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Christian Gustafson

A pure sharpshooting point guard. Unguardable 3pt shooter. Try hard fortnite player that is do do.

Bro that Christian Gustafson is godly.

by HarryBaller November 30, 2018

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